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CORONA VIRUS ( myth v/s facts)!!!!!


With the total number of corona virus cases across the world rising consistently, the fear of death and insecurity is mounting. Worse, there is still a big question mark on a possible treatment for Covid-19. And, in the midst of this crisis, misinformation has been spreading vi-rally. On Whats App, which boasts over 2 billion users worldwide, and other social messaging networks like Twitter, Facebook and TikTok, the spread of misinformation in many ways seems to mimic how Covid-19 itself moves through societies — from individual to individual, group to group.

Here is a fact-check on some of the common myths being circulated on social media and messaging platforms:

1. Myth: Drinking alcohol protects against corona virus

Fact: Consumption of alcohol does not protect you from covid-19 in fact it can react react opposite. The harmful use of alcohol increases your risk of health problems, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

2. Myth: Thermal scanners can detect corona virus.

Fact: Thermal scanners are effective in detecting people who have a fever. However, they cannot detect people who are infected with Covid-19. There are many causes of fever.

3. Myth: Hydroxychloroquine, Gilead's remdesivir, and other drugs can cure corona virus

Fact: While several drug trials are ongoing, there is currently no proof that either hydroxychloroquine or any other drug can cure or prevent Covid-19. 

4. Myth: Adding pepper to meals prevents/cures corona virus

Fact:Pepper can be good for taste but it doesn't help in curing from corona virus. Practice social distancing, wash your hands thoroughly and frequently, use hand sanitizers, and face masks to avoid coming in contact with the virus.

ALSO READ: Corona virus LIVE Updates

5. Myth: Corona virus is spread through house flies and mosquitoes

Fact: So far, there is no evidence to suggest that corona virus can be transmitted through houseflies and mosquitoes.

6. Myth: Spraying disinfectant into your body or drinking methanol, ethanol will protect you from Covid 19

Fact: Under any circumstances do not spray ethanol or any other disinfectant. Mostly these substances are poisonous and cause damage or irritation to your skin and also to your eye . Bleach and disinfectant can be used to disinfect surfaces only. Methanol, ethanol, and bleach are poisons.

7. Myth: Mobile networks spread corona virus

Fact: Viruses cannot travel on radio waves/mobile networks. Corona virus is spread through respiratory droplets when an infected person coughs, sneezes or speaks. A person can get infected if he touches a contaminated area.

8. Myth: Exposing yourself to the sun prevents Covid-19

Fact: Countries with hot weather, including India, have reported Covid-19 cases in large numbers. That should put an end to the claims that the virus cannot survive under the sun.

9. Myth: snow or cold weather can kill corona virus

Fact: According to WHO, the normal human body temperature remains around 36.5 degrees Celcius to 37 degrees C, regardless of the external temperature or weather. Hence we should not believe that cold weather would kill this virus.

10. Myth: Hot water bath can prevent us from corona virus

Fact: A bath with hot water cannot  prevent you from catching corona virus. The normal body temperature remains 36.5 degrees C to 37 degrees C, regardless of the temperature of shower.

11. Myth: Buying products from outside would result in a corona chain.

Fact: WHO says that the likelihood of becoming infected with Covid-19 from a commercial package is low since it has likely traveled over several days and been exposed to different temperatures and conditions during transit.

12. Myth: The novel corona virus is quite old and  I've heard about it before.

Fact:  'Corona virus' is a family of viruses and the reason people may have seen ‘Human Corona virus’ on labels is that this refers to previous strains of the virus.

A lot of names are being used by public for this novel corona virus. WHO has called the disease Covid-19 but the virus itself is called SARS-CoV-2.

13. Myth: Healthy food can prevent/cure corona virus

Fact: People cannot prevent Covid-19 infection through diet. Well sometimes, a balanced diet helps us in our immune system functioning which would be helping us fight the virus.

14. Myth: Drinking hot water water would prevent us from corona virus

Fact: Since, no cure for the deadly virus has been found and we can very surely say, Only water won't solve the problem. It can only hydrate the body and lower the risk of infection by cutting outside effects. Water can't kill the virus.

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