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HOW TO USE THEM!!!            


Our bodies are filled with mysteries that scientist are still unblocking , they have found ways to use some of your super powers!!!

U must have seen my previous blogs about superhuman abilities but, those abilities were limited within some of us...

Your body's are filled with abilities that most of you are not aware of !!!!!

#1st  Prevent pain

The next time u get a bump or bruise, try coughing . this act of force full pressure activates your body vagus nerve . coughing or bearing down while holding your breath is a way to activate your vagus nerve. this will help reduce stress level , slow your heart rate, and lessen the impact of pain.

#2nd  Night vision 

The pirates trademark eye was a patch to unleash superhuman ability of night vision . By keeping one eye closed to bright lights just like a torch, that causes your eye to dilate, which is great for daylight vision , but not for night vision.......

#3rd Prevent brain freeze

Eating your ice cream a little slow would help , but the extremely painful sensation of a brain freeze headache can be prevented, if you gulp your chilled treat........ 

#4th Cure a headache and hold your breath underwater longer

Hyperventilation leads to vasoconstriction in the brain , which reduces the amount of blood pressure present in the blood vessels and helps with the pain of headache .......

this super human ability is due to the reduced carbon dioxide in your blood , which is usually the signal to your body to take a breath . by reducing the trigger , you postpone the body's need for a breath..........

#5th Super hearing power

Use your right ear to hear faint conversation in a crowded party better . turn your head so that your right ear is closer to the person speaking . your left ear is better for picking up musical tones............





Unknown said…
Unknown said…
That's fantastic😊
Unknown said…
Nice and informative.... short but well researched and presented.....u are a star pratyaksh....looking forward for more blogs like others🌟🌟👌🏻

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