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Top 5 people with supernatural powers

By: Pratyaksh bedi 

We all dream of having superpowers to help navigate our life in a unique way , For instance I have been thinking of reading people's mind. For me that would be an awesome powers anyone could posses ......

Everyone has their own choice and though I would like to hear your all choices in the comment section.....

So, here are Top 5 people having supernatural powers

No , don't be surprised there are no superman or avengers things but real humans which exist in real life not reel one ....

1. The fastest samurai

With his amazing technique of moving a sword at unpredictable speed and accuracy,Japanese ladio master lsao Machi holds multiple world records . One them of the world record is for the fastest 1000 martial arts sword cuts and the fastest tennis ball cut by a sword 

You must be waiting for a proof so , here is a YouTube video click on the link :
   ➡️            click to view the video                     

2. The blind man who can see
Daniel kish can't see with his eyes , he had both of them removed during childhood due to retina cancer ,but he has so finely tuned his hearing that he can navigate his bike through his superextreme power of hearing , he can climb trees , camp alone and dance fluidly . His "supernatural" power is known as echo location

To orient himself, Kish clicks his tongue and listens closely as the sound bounces off the objects around him and returns to his ear at different volumes .
He is so good at his technique that other blind people hire him for walking.

"That tongue click is everything for me " says Daniel kish

3. The Iceman
Wim hof a living legend , who can withstand at very low temperature for many hours . Using the Buddhist technique Tummo , he keeps his body temperature steady  while facing harsh cold weathers . Wim hof feet provided him the nickname as " Iceman"  . He has completed several marathons as well as climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro in sub freezing temperatures in only shorts on his body , he holds twenty ice hold records and he has a world record of the 

4. The man who doesn't stop running
Dean karnazes , he's one the fittest people alive on this planet . I think he might be the real life version of flash ....
He has submitted himself to some of the most physically and mentally grueling Athletic tests imaginable. Mostly karnazes  has 350 mile run
Without stopping , even a sweltering spring through the Death valley and a marathon towards the North pole ......
Though karnazes has built quite good running resume he still find ways to challenge himself daily  . Recently he completed his 50 marathons 50 consecutive days 
"No rest for my feet " says Dean karnazes

5. The French spider man 

If you thought u can become a spider man through a radioactive spider bite  , think again 54 year old Alain Robert also known as the French spider man is famous for his urban climbings Without any safety equipment and without the fear of falling he has climbed through The Burj khalifa . His next attempt could not be filmed of climbing Eiffel tower  but the next of his step was to climb Makati tower 700ft tall after that great achievement he sadly got Arrested..
Although urban climbing is not a crime but he has been arrested for over than 100 times for trespassing and Causing public disturbance .

If you think any of this people or Thier powers are fake just click on the blue words you will re directed to the video proof...

Tell me which superpowers u wanna posses in the comment section ..............

For further queries :9315175990
Mail me :


Unknown said…
I become addicted now to check your blogs
Unknown said…
I would like to be like Samurai
Unknown said…
damn gud..🤘
Kuwar thapar said…
Too gud👏👏
I really like ur blogs
SportsTalks said…
Really very interesting

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