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 TOP 5 WAYS TO EARN MONEY ONLINE !!!                     HOW TO EARN ONLINE !!!


Nowadays everyone is giving more attention to earning online!!!

    As due to the pandemic situation, most of us are not feeling safe to leave home and are trying to earn online so, as for them this blog must be helpful ........


If you have visited any website, you've seen google ads. these ads are almost everywhere, and are present  for good reason also they are easy to set up on any  website, but they can be lucrative when your website starts bringing in a steady amount of traffic..... 

One of the cool things about google ad sense  is that it's so easy to get set up. if  you have a blog or website, you can sign up for a free google ad sense account. from there, google will give you a unique code that you have to  paste at your website. google takes from, tracing the page views, traffic density, and earnings on your behalf  there is on upkeep or maintenance to get this thing going, makes it a no-brainier if  you have a website already.........

# PODCASTING                                                                              

One more way to make money online is by doing online podcasting. I have the good financial support for the podcast to go along with my blog, and i use that platform  to find new sponsors and advertisers all the time............................
However, there are tons of people making a lot of money on their podcast, an example, on fire podcast hosted by John Lee Dumas . According to show's most recent income report, this podcast brought in a net income of over $400,000 in march 2018 . Now, that's crazy.............................

The key to getting ahead with podcasting is finding your niche, growing an audience, and then finding ways to monetize and connect to sponsors. Frankly saying, This is not a easy way to make money online since there are a lot of people that go into writing , recording , and editing a podcast, but they are still worth considering .................................


If you have writing skills and know the way how to write in a etiquette manner,  also it is possible to get paid to create online content. I am not doing this neither i have tried to do this but i have generous knowledge about this field  and i know that how viable this income stream is......................

People earn $200,000 per year creating content for other websites ( Holly Johnson) .....................

In the starting (for a freelance writer), just make it a part time job, as you won't be able to earn much . Over time, your rates will get doubled or tripled and you would not be needing your full time job, as you would be getting much higher income than before.................

The key to making it as a freelance writer is figuring out a niche, networking with people who might hire you, and delivering high quality content 100 percent of of the time. while there are a ton of writting job boards to help you get started, it is fairly good if you are finding a startup...................................

# AFFILIATE MARKETING                                                         

If you own a website or making blogs, you might also look in the field for affiliate marketing. In affiliate marketing you can partner with brands and business within the content of your website. If you mention a product or a website service, and on your website or blog there is link for that product or website then you will be earning some amount of commission with every click on that on your website.

It's just that you want a blog related to the product through which you are affiliating it. 

You can't just open a blog or website and apply for affiliation, there are many terms and conditions that you have to come up before applying for affiliation, example( your blog or website needs to be old enough and must be getting regular traffic in appropriate quantity)...........


YouTube is the most popular and verified way to earn money online, there are more than a million you-tube channels on any topic which you can think off. Every person with a good number of followers are  earning money giving their time and information. 

It is really to earn money if u have unique information about any subject and you are willing to share it with the rest of the world, if you are good at editing videos ( meme channel could be a profitable and trendy choice for you), if you are good at  acting( you should try your own channel presenting your acting skills), if you are good at computers ( you can show how to resolve issues in a PC) etc.

start creating a channel of yours and with every 1000 views you get a sum of 0.01$ .........................

Thankyou for reading

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