It's just that i was shocked by death of a talented young superstar not by a disease but, by an "unconsidered" problem ( depression) !!!!!!!!
It’s the disease that’s in the news almost daily. Almost everyone in the country knows someone or has been affected by it and doctors have no known cure. This scary proposition sounds right out of a horror film but it’s all too real. Depression is an all too common disease that affects over 300 million people around the globe according to the World Health Organization.
If you suspect that you’re suffering from the disease, you may think that you can just hop online, check your symptoms, and find a way to get better–wrong. Not all people deal with the disease the same way or even the right way.....
#Suicidal tendencies
Most of the people think these tendencies are an universal symptom of depression-but it's not, by the way ( well in some cases it do change )....................
Some may not think about death but, on the other hand some of them may be thinking about suicide and disappearing from the world. And by any chance if you are having the thoughts of suicide, you must seek help immediately ................
Suicide can never be the answer to any problem. According through a study 8 out 10 people who suicide want their intentions to be known and they think that considering suicide will let their intentions be known......................
#Physical pain
It's not just a metal disease, it highly effects us physically too.........
Chest palpitations, aching muscles, and a constant desire to sleep are symptoms found in many sufferers.
This disease would trick your mind, by telling your mind that you won't get better and gives the same signal to your body too............
It’s ironic, however, that a common way to treat depression is through exercise. Your body and mind will be screaming “NO!”
#It's not a choice
The worst part about the disease is that it grows and expands across your brain and thoughts. It shows you a path filled with dark and dreary but it is a well laid out map. You can’t just will your way out of the disease. It will take a concerted effort to fight your way out of the depths. The hard part is not depression, it’s getting away from it.
#The disease is sneaky
something is triggered and you’re deep into your head again. It sneaks up on you when you least expect it and at the most inopportune times.
You won’t even know you have the disease, at first. It starts as a tiny, little seed. Each passing day things may cause that seed to grow and grow and grow until it’s fully mature. At this point, it’s difficult to get rid of and there was nothing you could do to prevent it.
#You are never alone
All this piles up into the feeling of loneliness and abandonment that is difficult to get over.
Realize that you’re not alone. According to the ADA, depression affects 6.7% of the population, or 16 million adults. Chances are that at least a few people in your life have experienced or are experiencing the stresses of the disease.
Don’t give up.
It may never look but, it truly does and when you start to emerge from the depths of this unconsidered disease ( depression), you will become a new person with a strong heart and open mind, with eyes wide open....................
Thank you for reading.....
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