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By: Pratyaksh bedi


( A creepy claim written in the diary of the American President )

John F.kennedy, when he was young, he was the first person to claim that ADOLF HITLER did not actually die. He even went to the place where Hitler shot himself, as a reporter, but still did not believe he had committed suicide. All the information was written in his diary.

The President was a reporter for a magazine at that time. For this reason, he went to Europe and traveled to battlefields.

The President was a reporter for a magazine at that time. For this reason, he went to Europe and traveled to battlefields.

He even visited Hitler's refuges in Berlin including the special place called Eagle's Nest near Munich.

He even visited Hitler's refuges in Berlin including the special place called Eagle's Nest near Munich.

He kept a diary while doing all this. In that diary he noted his each and every step he took in his life. A diary that has a lot of secret information.

He kept a diary while doing all this. A diary in which he wrote everything in every step in Europe. A diary that has a lot of secret information.

What was written in that diary?

What was written in that diary?

"Adolf Hitler had a next level passion for his country which made him threatened the world peace. But there are some mysteries that will increase with regard to way he lived and died. "

Kennedy after coming back from Hitler's last shelter claimed that furher might not have actually died.

After visiting Hitler's last shelter, Kennedy claimed that the Fuhrer might not have actually died.

The proof was that there was no blood stains or bullet hole on the wall of the room where everyone was told that hitler shot himself.

He also said that there was no information or source about the presence of the dead body.

He also said that there was no information or source about the presence of the dead body.

The diary that Kennedy later handed over to one of his assistants was transferred to an auction house to be sold during the president's 100th birthday.

The diary that Kennedy later handed over to one of his assistants was transferred to an auction house to be sold during the president's 100th birthday.

The auction house has also stated that the President does not sympathize with Hitler in any way.

It is expected to find buyers for around $200,000.

It's always have been a mystery about ADOLF HITLER'S death.  No one reached to the conclusion or any proper evidence about his death, neither he could be found alive nor  dead.........

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Unknown said…
Where do 6ou find such informations are really a true and flawless artist pratyaksh 👌🏻♥️
Unknown said…
Where do 6ou find such informations are really a true and flawless artist pratyaksh 👌🏻♥️

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