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Future predictions by Simpsons!!!!!!


1. The Simpsons Predicted Farmville

Remember Farmville and getting plagued by friends on Facebook to play it? We remember all too well unfortunately. Well... The Simpsons had a game called Yard Work Simulator in the 1998 episode 'Bart Carny' which looks suspiciously like it.

2. The Simpsons Inspired Apple 

Back in a 1994 episode, "Lisa On Ice", the two school bullies used an Apple 'Newton' to write down a memo which was auto-corrected to the unfortunate wrong wording. This spurred Apple to get a touch screen keyboard up and running. 

3. 3D Printing

Marge was well ahead of the game with her digital printing camera for an episode set in the future. 

4. Homer And The Wrecking Ball

Homer came in like a wrecking ball long before Miley Cyrus ever did!

5. They Predicted The Electronic Voting System Fail

Homer was having trouble with the electronic voting machine in the 2008 episode 'Treehouse of Horror XIX'. Then, in 2012 some of the machines used for the presidential election automatically changed people's votes causing a huge scandal.  

6. They Predicted The Ebola Epidemic

In the episode titled 'Lisa's Sax' they seem to have predicted the Ebola epidemic. 

7. The Hangover

Have you ever thought The Hangover movie looked familiar? Well... it seems the Simpsons had a very similar story line in "Viva Ned Flanders" when Ned and Homer went to Las Vegas to celebrate Ned's 60th birthday. Okay so it's not the exact same but it's pretty close in parts.


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