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Top 5 things you didn't know about Jesus Christ

By: Pratyaksh bedi

Without a doubt Jesus Christ was the most recognised figure in human history, no one has ever been written , painted or talked about and sung too , Moreover our calender is also based on his  birth . Still bieng a popular person most of the people just know myths about him .

Even some of the devoted Christians don'tknow much about them and whenever they get to know something new about Jesus they get surprised.

So, in this blog I'm gonna tell you top 5 things you do not  know about Jesus Christ .....

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1. Jesus family tree included murderers
Do you know about your family tree ? , Every family has some secrets, some can be small and insignificant but some can be depressing and embarrassing that you would want to stay undercover...
If a kid would know the secrets of his family tree like if he discovered his unfaithful uncle and an alcoholic aunt or any other shit , his life would be totally filled of shame , ofcourse everyone expects his family tree to be perfect.
But first of all everyone can not  be perfect so how can he  expect his family tree to be perfect so, Jesus family was a messed up . His genes were of murderers and liars but he proved to be a good man ..
The imperfect family tree of Jesus reminds us that no matter what you have done in life or what your family history may be , there is a room for all of us in god's family

2. Jesus had a sense of humour
Jesus used to crack jokes , I often see my friends reaction when I tell him Jesus used to be funny  ,. In fact one day I showed him pic of Jesus laughing , she had a wierd expression on her face because she couldn't imagine a god laughing like that ......

We are used to seeing the picture of Jesus on the cross with lots of blood and weeping, but it doesn't mean that Jesus never had a Light-hearted moment in his life or he never laughed ..

The Bible says Jesus was a full human he used to laugh, he got tired ,He got hungry , he got thirsty and he died just like everybody else..

A glimpse of Jesus sense of humour can be studied in Matthew 

3. Jesus had short hair 
No one knows about Jesus real looks but he's been depicted in the painting through blue eyes, long beard and long flowing air ...

This paintings are the attributes to the artist of 15th century this was just their imagination not the real Jesus of Bible . The scriptures that we all see just are the imagination of his followers from 15th century and the scripture has no reference to the real jesus.....

Is it shamefull for Christians males to have long hair ?????

But ofcourse the length of his hair  his long beard or the his blue eyes doesn't matter the thing that matter is He came on earth to seek and save the lost

4. Jesus spoke in parables so people would not understand.
Jesus used to speak in parable while talking with his own people , parable is a type of earth language with a deep meaning ...
Most of the people find it difficult to speak parable so they ask the question:⬇️⬇️
The exact point that Jesus taught in parable was to cause confusion ,  Infact his disciples were also confused why he taught in parable 
And then Jesus replied :
Because the knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven has been given to you but not to them ..... In them is fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah ...

You will be hearing but not understanding
You will be ever seeing but not perceiving

Jesus intention of speaking parable was not to withhold the truth But to conceal it from the minds of people who have no right to it.....
He taught in  parables because the people who are interested in understanding the truth of his words, would understand clearly.......

5. Jesus didn't want to suffer and die
Jesus was fully divine but he was also a human so like any other human he didn't want to die, he didn't want to suffer from beating and torturing .... Wherever angle you look thinking about death is really terrifying.

Just before getting arrested Jesus prayed in the garden of Gethsemane and asked God  " my father would it be possible , let this cup pass for me". Matthew 26:39

no one would ever want to suffer and die but eventually Jesus accepted his fate when he came to know about his father's will....

Hedidn't want that pain instead of that he followed his father's desire. He knew that to save people he need to give his life for them

indeed there are lot of many other things hidden somewhere that we don't know about our ultimate life saving warrior. Some of you must not be believing in the above content but I still believe because there is one thing proof that Jesus lived....

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Thanks for reading


Unknown said…
Amen i hope all truth u said if it is truth then I m more closer to my God now
Unknown said…
very interesting
Unknown said…
I loved itπŸ‘πŸ»
Unknown said…
Really nice and very well plotted and built
There are some mistakes bit that's always a scope to correct them and shine brighter
Although you already are a shining star pratyaksh 😊🌟

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