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Top 5 signs for the presence of ghost

By: Pratyaksh bedi
The spirit world I mainly activated in October so, if you are thinking there is an outwardly presence in your house and if it is October then this is the perfect time to find 

Autumn is the season when life turns mostly towards the endings 
October 31 this is the date when there is a half way between autumn equinox and winter solistice And as we know intersection serve as a portal 
As this season comes it opens the gates to other realms ...
Autumn season is the playground for the living and dead ...

First of all let's clear the difference between ghost and spirits . Many spirits can be heard or seen only by experts ,but ghost will use conduit available to make contact .......
As they use a conduit available so , it is easy to make a contact to attention seeking spirits .

If you're house is a home to an energy so, here are the five signs u must know..........

1. Unexplained temperature changes

one of the easiest way to find if a ghost is near you is a fast change in temperature. If you do experience unpredictable shifts in the temperature it means that u are indeed sensing a presence of an otherworldly entity ..
The reason for this is Ghost require energy and when they are present near us they will attract or pull energy mainly heat so, there would be a extreme downfall in our house temperature.. 
And though u might shiver sometimes too.

2. Strange technological glitches

Ghost do hit us technologically do u pickup your landline just to hear the sound from the next side ? , Do your lights flicker periodically?, Does your television switch off on its own ?
There are classic clues that reveal a ghostly presence .
Ghost exist within another dimension but to call them u need a natural conduit means :
Electricity would be a great source talking to the other world eg stranger things ..

Wanna talk to them !!
Try setting up an audio or video recording device as a conductor, which can be used in real time to facilitate or dialogue......

3. Unusual scents 
If you smell something funky in your house it could be more than a trash. Ghostly smells would be relatively similar to perfumes,cologne or smell of tobacco ..... Very rarely scents of sulfur has been belonged to spirit smells..
If you're not sure that the random odor in your house is haunting or nasty...
These paranormal smells after all , sniffing out source may not be easy -- especially if it's coming from other dimensions......

4. Object moving or unidentified sounds
Have you heard thumping on the stairs , watched doors swing open or noticed photo graph suddenly...
It is often that ghost builds energy to shift or move objects after all , it is not easy to breakthrough the portal to the other world 
Ghosts who have that much energy to move an object is known as Poltergeists which quite means noisy ghosts ..
These are the rarest and dramatic also, they make their presence through loud knocking sounds , rearranged furniture or can be mysterious flames too. If u notice a presence of Poltergeists then do hang Clearing crystal in your doorway or windowsills , this may send less aggressive message to the spirit ......

5. Pets making contact
If you're pet is again and again been attached towards a area and starts to bark on his own there is chances that they are sensing any paranormal activity. Animals can detect sound, smell and sights that aren't detectable to  humans , further dogs are foresee they can sense tornadoes, earthquake and tsunami from miles away hence it is not a suprise that your pet can detect paranormal activities. Just make a try if u don't have a pet then tell your friend to bring his or her pet and notice what pet investigates or if that pet is giving attention to only at one place then you might be living in a haunted house 

now try checking your house through this 5 signs and do check that u aren't living in a haunted house 

For more queries contact:9315175990
Mail me :
Thankyou for reading this !!


Unknown said…
Really good ๐Ÿ‘ป
Unknown said…
kamaal kr dia ldke!
Unknown said…
doing good!
Unknown said…
keep growing!!
Unknown said…
Wowww that is a great blog! Very informative!!
Unknown said…
woww very nice๐Ÿ‘ป
Unknown said…
Very nice bro
SportsTalks said…
Keep it up bro
good going

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