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Top 5 most important court cases that everyone needs to know !!!

By : Pratyaksh bedi

       Top 5 most important court cases that                            everyone should know !!!            

State of Orissa Vs Ram Bahadur thapa 
He was accused with sections : 302, 324 and 326

One of the most important cases in the Indian history which taught us not to belief in stupid mythologies .....

Ram Bahadur thapa was the servant of J.B.chatterjee of chatterjee Bros (a firm in Calcutta) . Thapa was travelling to Rasogovindpur , a village in balasore district in Orissa to purchase aeroscap from an abandoned aerodrome outside the village . 

Because of the abandoned place , the locals believed that the place was haunted , This awaked The curiosity of chatterjee who wanted to see the ghost!!

At night, as they were making their way to aerodrome they saw a flickering light within the premises which, due to the strong wind seemed to move .

Ram Bahadur thapa thought that it was Will-O'-the-wisp  and got attracted towards it , Eventually jumped into action and took out his knife( khukri ) to attack the "ghost" . Turns out that they were local adivasi womens with a lantern who had together under a mohua tree To collect some flowers.

Just because of a stern belief , Caused the death of Gelhi majhiani and injured to other women....

The session court judge however, acquitted Thapa because his stern believe in ghost and that in the moment .
Thapa believed that they were lawfully justified

Kesavandan Bharati Vs The state of kerala

If there is one reason india can call itself "world's biggest democracy" it is because of this case ...

Swami kesavandan Bharati ran a Hindu Mutt in Edneer village in Kerala but the state wanted to appropriate the land .  Bharti was consulted  by Nanabhoy Palkivala ( A jurist), filed a petition claiming that religious institutions had the right to run its business without government interference...

Hence, the state invoked with Article 31

13 judges were included in the case with a majority of 7-6 , they formulated the basic structure of doctrine, which puts some restrictions on parliament to amend the laws .

Still some people do consider the judgement to be partialised!!!!!

Mohd.Ahmed khan Vs Shah bano begum

This case referred to the almony laws with interference of the religion and the controversial " Triple talak " and popularly known as Shah bano case.....

This case was the most debatable and controversial case in the history of law .

This case showed up the real struggle of a Muslim women for her rights and freedom . Instead of creating history of a struggling life she had to face embarrassment of the community and her husband..

Shah bano begam was divorced by her husband after that she claimed alimony from her husband by filing a suit in supreme court, which was given to her but then there was an interference of Islamic orthodoxy claiming that granting alimony to her would be considered as anti Islamic . The Congress government which was the ruling party at that time protected the women by passing the Muslim women  ( Protection of rights on divorce) act.

The case is regularly mentioned during about the talks of " uniform civil code" In the country.

Lal Bihari identity case
Lal Bihari also called the living dead, he was born in 1955 and then was declared dead in 1975 and we came alive in 1994 again, yes, you read it right. Lal Bihari identity case was the most curious case in the history of law.

For a bank loan lal Bihari visited the revenue office and when asked for the Identity certificate he was straight away told by the officer that " you are legally dead".

This all happened with lal Bihari because of his uncle, his uncle bribed the government officials to legally declared him dead so, as to inherit his ancestral land..

Then he started his struggle against the Indian bureaucracy to prove that he was not dead!! 

He performed his mother funeral, asked for windows compensation for his wife, stood up in the election against Rajiv Gandhi in 1989.

As of now, he heads an organisation to deal with similar cases and for the people who are legally declared dead but are still alive..

Bhawal case 
Bhawal case also popularly known as the sanyasi case was one of the most weird identity case in India ...

Bhawal case was the case of Indian court in which a person claimed to be the prince of bhawal , but the confusion was that the person was already recorded dead !!!!!!!

The Prince used to rule over 2000 villages and it was one of the the biggest zamindar in Bengal, there were rumours that he is not dead but after 10 years a sanyasi was found roaming on the streets of Dhaka covered with ashes and and the important thing is he he looked alike Ramendra( The prince ) . 

 ramendra refused to open his real identity but after coming in pressure from the village people and his known one's, finally disclosed that he was Ramendra Roy Prince of Bhawal .

After disclosing about his identity there was a very long legal process firstly, there were two trials where both sides attempts to prove claims . In the meantime Ramendra moved to Calcutta and he was welcomed in the elite circle of the city.....

Used to regularly collect one third of the revenue, which was his share. News that money to support his lifestyle and also regularly paid the legal fees...

In the end, in 1946, The court finally stated the judgement in his favour but soon he passed away due to a stroke he had suffered a couple of days earlier......

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Thankyou reading ❤️


Unknown said…
O really good to know all theseee
Unknown said…
I read about these in my pol science class.... Helped meπŸ‘
Unknown said…

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