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Top 5 evidence of alien existence in Area 51

By : Pratyaksh bedi

You all must have heard about aliens and some of you would be curious to know about them too . We do mostly see an alien news on TV but we rarely see a real evidence of their existence....

Most of you would be knowing about Area 51 , It was a trending topic in September 2019 , when there were humours about aliens invasion in Area 51, at that time everyone was curious to know the truth , most of the people were attracted by myths but there were some of them who produced evidence of their existence...

Like we humans do have a differentiation in our looks and language but aliens just aren't of a single type , there are 10 different type of species of them in our universe......

1st evidence

Area 51 is situated in the middle of deserts in Nevada , and people from nearby areas have reported sightings of strange lights hovering above the area 51 . As per eye witness, the lights do not look like coming from fighter jets or other earthly aviation units......

Not just one there are many more if u search!!!

Why there is no official confirmation, still radar have detected objects that fly at supersonic speed above the  desert . F-16 or other fighter jets are not supposed to to fly I am at such a  fast speed.....

2nd evidence
The autopsy video that was taped inside the area 51 is a concrete evidence that the military premises has a strong connection with aliens.
The remains of the grey alien Vir believed to have been collected from the crash site of Roswell in New Mexico.....

I could only find one single footage of Roswell but in another language checkout :Roswell

The crashed remains of the Roswell UFO crash were secretly transported to to Area 51, as the government wanted to study the technology that was used to make the alien aircraft......

3rd evidence
Ex aerospace engineer Boyd bushman, who was deployed at the area 51 for a long time has shared photos of humanoid creatures that do not belong to this world ...
In a statement, bushman also confirmed that the staff of area 51 are a mixed bag of earthlings and extraterrestrial beings......

EX physicist Bob Lazar who was working in area 51 and had been deployed to reverse engineering of alien aircraft which are captured and taken to underground vault of area 51...

Bob Lazar had to break his oath of keeping the secret of area 51 field in his mind and strange facts that pointed towards direct connection with aliens at Area 51.....

4th evidence
July 2014 a tourist named sandra reported the sightings of a real UFO over area 51. She had film the UFO sighting when she was travelling through the desert she could only take five photos . While she was crossing the desert and was filming it from the bus window, she  spotted something fly really fast and before she could even react it went off. She thought it was a bird but after playing her film in slow motion she could actually see a real UFO.......

5th evidence
There were various conspiracy theories about Area 51. Till 2013 the government of USA never agreed the existence of area 51, whenever asked they used to to claim that there is no place such called as Area 51 they kept that hidden for 60 years but in 2013, agreed with the existence of area 51 and said that it is air force facility nothing else......

Area 51 has one of the most toughest security in the world, trespassers are to be shot with heavy weapons without any warning being given to them. Sach hai securities gives a notion that it has to be the aliens who the government is trying to cover up

Rest      there are a lot of mysteries, facts or theories about that place but I still do believe in aliens .....
What about you ????
Tell me in the comment section what do you think about aliens or area 51 ??

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Thankyou for reading ❤️


Unknown said…
Good to know all these
SportsTalks said…
Love to read your blogs all are interesting good job😘
Unknown said…

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